
LifeDNA – Why DNA Produces Guaranteed Skincare Products


Through DNA analysis LfeDNA is able to determine several genetic predispositions which directly affect the health of your skin. These invaluable results unveiled through the story told by your DNA enable them to tailor a skincare solution which will optimize and enhance your personal skin type. In short, your DNA results convey the particular needs of your skin and enable LifeDNA to formulate a specialized product which meets those requirements- guaranteeing results!

What aspects of my skin are exposed through DNA Analysis?

Since the introduction of DNA analysis many breakthroughs have been discovered. As our understanding of DNA advances many new fields impacted by this enlightenment are revealed and skincare health is one of these benefactors. As we gain more depth of insight into the role of chemicals and chemical processes within the body we are able to accurately determine what results a deficiency or excess of each chemical will produce. In so doing, a personalized formulation is created by LifeDNA in order to provide the optimal chemical balance for the most favorable skincare outcome.

Let’s Explore Some of these Chemicals and Their Influence to your Skin Health

Fine Lines and Wrinkles Produced Through Glucose?

Believe it or not, your blood sugar levels directly impact skin health. DNA analysis reveals any gene variations which may affect your bodies ability to process glucose. This condition, if present, may produce a result known as skin glycation.

The genetic variations tested in this category can help identify if the processors responsible for turning sugar into energy are functioning at an ideal level or if their function is reduced. Having variations in this category may result in skin glycation.

It is common knowledge that fine lines and wrinkles are created due to decreased levels of collagen but there is another “little known” contributor to these unwanted visitors and that is a protein or lipid called AGEs(Advanced Glycation End Products). These “little rascals” tend to bind to collagen and elastin fibers which produce fragility. Unfortunately, this process compromises the flexibility of the dermis and produces wrinkles and fine lines. The correlation between high sugar levels and increased AGEs is irrefutable and DNA testing reveals if this issue is present.

How Well Does Your Skin Deal With the Sun?

It is a well known fact that sun exposure can be detrimental to skin health but to what degree is determined by your bodies ability to cope with the UV rays from the sun. Genetic analysis is able to reveal any existing variations which hinder your ability to handle sun exposure. If such an inefficiency exists then your bodies photochemical process is compromised and will be limited in its ability to properly break down UV rays before incurring any negative impact to your skin.

Reveal Skin Sensitivity and Avoid Unpleasant Effects

cropped-lifedna-products.pngThrough DNA testing, skin stressors can be revealed and, in turn, can be factored out of your personal skincare formulation. The disclosure of any skin sensitivity issues enables LifeDNA to tailor a customized skincare solution which will be free from side effects and negative reactions. Of course, through avoiding exposure to these stressors you will avoid such unwelcome instances like allergic reactions or ineffectual ingredients.

Skin Pliability

The primary component responsible for the degradation of skin elasticity is an enzyme called MMP. A DNA test is able to reveal if there is an over abundant supply of MMPs or if their levels are within the normal range. If an excessive MMP condition exists then skin pliability will be directly affected. It is normal to have more levels of MMPs within the body after the age of 40 but DNA research is able to reveal if an overproduction scenario exists.

Directly Address Skin Pigmentation

LifeDNA TestimonialOur bodies possess natural processes to fight against the adverse effects of sun exposure and melanin production is one of the greatest. Melanin safeguards the skin from harmful UV rays when in direct sunlight. It is possible for these pigments to succumb to damage and directly affects skin tanning. An abnormal level of melanin within the skin may lead to “patchy splotches” or irregular pigmentation.

Are Your Collagen Levels Within Normal Range?

Of course, as previously mentioned, collagen is the essential protein responsible for producing youthful looking skin. Matter in fact, almost 75% of our skin is composed of collagen. In other words, collagen is the “dermal structural support” of our bodies and its level determines the appearance and health of our largest organ. DNA analysis reveals any genetic variations which may influence your collagen levels and helps LifeDNA in producing a quality skincare product that can alleviate those effects.

Is Your Skin Safeguarded Against Free Radicals?

LifeDNA-testimonial3You have probably heard the term “free radicals” but was possibly unaware of their composition. Simply put, free radicals are toxic molecules which naturally come into contact with our skin within our surroundings- such as cigarette smoke and pollution. Fortunately, our bodies have a natural defense against free radicals known as antioxidants. Antioxidants exist within our body to perform the primary role of mitigating the negative effects of free radicals. Since antioxidants are created within the body by key genes it is possible to determine their rates and any genetic obstacle that may hinder production of this vital centurion.

As you can see, your DNA reveals a plethora of information about the personal needs of your skin. Through these insights, LifeDNA is able to cater to the needs of your body and formulate a specialized skincare product that is guaranteed to produce optimal results. Why deal with uncertainties and waste your hard earned money on products that prove ineffectual when you can obtain a skincare solution that is customized to the dictates of your own DNA?


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